The Things She Says
The Fat Man: I agree!
And my father and I are left trying not to laugh. As far as I can tell, she's really not aware of what she's saying.
Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.
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I'm not sure exactly what you want to accomplish with this meeting, except make me cry some more. I haven't changed my mind, I'm sorry, but I still think I need to do this. I don't think I could have gotten here without you, I will forever be grateful for what you have given me, and forever regret that I had to hurt you to get here.
I know you think I'm making a mistake, but I disagree, and I'm not going to sit there and let you tell me how you think I'm screwing up. I'm also not going to try come up with an answer that will satisfy you. I tried, you weren't satisfied, I'm sorry, but you'll have to come to terms with this on your own.
Now, what do you want to accomplish by meeting?
You _are_ going to sit there and listen to me tell you how you are screwing up. You are throwing away your marriage. This is called "screwing" up by everyone on the planet. After six years, you owe me one goddamn hour to air my grievances. After all the years I listened to you, you can listen to me for one hour.
This is what adults do. Before they get a divorce, they talk about it one final time. You dumped me over email. The only reason you have ever given me for leaving is one I made up for you. Telling me to my face why this is happening is the adult, responsible thing to do.
I have made this process as easy as possible for you. Now I am asking for one small thing - a perfectly reasonable thing - and you are balking. How is this fair?
I have some insights to share with you. I know you don't care, I know you will not profit from them, I know now that your hatred of me consumes anything else I could ever give you, but this is the last time you will ever have to listen to me.
Tuesday I am going to go before a judge and ask him to release me from the vows I made to you.What can he possibly expect to get out of a meeting? I mean, I see him twice a week at karate as it is, awkward as it is. So he wants to meet with me to either a) change my mind, or b) make me feel like crap. Probably a to be followed by b assuming a doesn't work.
Before I do that, I require one hour of your time to discuss where we are, how we got here, and what we do next.
heh, here's why this conversation is weird... you're going into it thinking there's a kernel of truth these things are based on... I'm going in thinking some random dude made the crap up, so it is the way it is, cause some random, non-special dude wanted it that way.The conversation continued all day. We talked about faith and logic. Science and religion. Knowledge and truth. In the end, we sort of agreed to disagree.
Because the only things I can know for certain is that I think, and I exist. Everything else I have to take on faith. An indefinable power existing is the only way I'm able to function without going stark raving mad.Tam says:
I was going to try quote more than that, but there are pages of IM conversation I'd have to go through... That sums it up reasonably well.Ok... you have your indefinable power, I have my belief that we can make sense out of the world. I'll give you that I have to take that on faith, I think the world has no meaning if you can't assume we can make sense of it.