Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Why Are People Such Jerks?

On Tuesdays, I send out a preview of the report I put together. The preview gets sent at noon. Today, at 11:55am I got an email requesting some formatting to indicate something on the report. I already had the preview email ready to send, so I ignored the request (for then), sent the preview, and went to lunch.

When I got back from lunch, fully intending to go about adding the formatting which had been requested, I noticed a follow up email. CORRECTION NEEDED.

I really wanted to delete both emails, and tell the woman who sent them to go screw herself. I'm sorry, but is 5 minutes really an appropriate amount of time to give someone when you need something done, that when it's not done in those five minutes, you would yell at them for it?

It doesn't help that Messenger is down today, and my usual co-worker is on vacation, so I can't even bitch to other people about it. Note to anyone who ever works with me... at a certain point before a deadline, I stop looking at my email. So if you send me something important 5 minutes before said deadline, TOO LATE!

I feel a bit better now.


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