Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Color Red

I found more of the conversation mentioned below. Enjoy.

The Fat Man says:
Well...then we get back to how do we know that the color I think of as red isn't the color you think of as green? How do we know that the same spectrum of light isn't perceived differently from person to person?

Tam says:
because it doesn't actually matter... we can measure the wavelength, and you always identify that wavelength as red, same as everyone else, so it doesn't matter if you see something different

The Fat Man says:
Wait...its not important enough?

The Fat Man says:
It doesn't matter?

Tam says:
how does it matter?

The Fat Man says:
If two people perceive different things, but simply agree to call them the same thing, doesn't that defeat the point of the scientific process?

Tam says:
no, not if they can consistently agree... that wavelength is red

Tam says:
it doesn't matter how your brain perceives it, you could be colorblind and see it as green for all I care, it's red

Tam says:
every red thing we see, we see as red

Tam says:
so it doesn’t matter

The Fat Man says:
But the point of the scientific process, and if I'm wrong, correct me, is that you and I perceive the _exact_ same thing when we do the _exact_ same thing...

Tam says:
but we can perceive the wavelength, and its the same

Tam says:
How YOU perceive the wavelength is irrelevant

Tam says:
if you measure the wavelength and get a different answer, then we have a problem

Tam says:
but as long as that number agrees, the rest is not important

Tam says:
it might be interesting

Tam says:
and make a cool thing to study, but as far as the scientific process is concerned, it's a non-issue, it doesn't change any of the results

The Fat Man says:
That's....there's something about that that's bad

Tam says:
it's like if you are hot when we walk and I’m cold

The Fat Man says:
I don't know what...but there's something bad about it

Tam says:
does that mean there's not an actual true temperature outside?

Tam says:
no, it's just we're different, but we can both get a thermometer and find the real temp, and agree, even though you're hot and I'm cold

The Fat Man says:
There's something about that that disturbs me

Tam says:
did that make sense?


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