Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Hi, I'm Tam

When I was a kid, I always used to look at adults and think they knew what they were doing. I kept growing older, and waiting for that wonderful time, when I would be an adult, and I would actually know what the hell was going on... When's that supposed to happen again?

So here I am, 27, soon to be divorced. The husband keeps the dogs, keeps the house, keeps the friends. I got the cat, a cute little car, the new friends, and a job that only pays me just over $20k a year. Hmm, gonna take a long time to get a new house on $20k a year.

Oh wait, I said I got the new friends? Well, they came with drama. See, one of the friends is now the boyfriend, another apparently wanted to be the boyfriend (still trying to figure out when I became irresistible, but whatever). Now Mr. Wannabe won't talk to Mr. Be. Little did I know I would be staring in a soap oprah set in high school, but I'm just the newest face in this rejected daytime television script. The full story, from far before I ever showed up can be seen here (the boyfriend's Blog).

So that's where I am at present... should be quite an adventure, don't you think?


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