Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Yesterday, my boss contacted me to ask why numbers on two different reports did not match. I checked my copies, and they did. He asked if I was sure. I thought back, one number had been updated, but not the one in question. The others were how I had left things over the weekend, and I'd double-checked them on Monday. Everything was correct, and matching.

That's when he remembered HE had changed the number on his copy, and that's the copy he sent out for approval.

That's right, he was asking me why some numbers didn't match, when I supplied one of them, and he changeded the other. Why don't they match? Because he entered the wrong number!

Now, in his defense, the file from which we get these numbers are intentionally misleading. The section clearly labeled as what we want, is in fact, not what we want, and needs to be edited before it can be used. He looked at this file, and assumed it was what it said it was (foolish man).


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