Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I finally managed to invest some money in my IRA. Now I'm fighting a constant battle to not refresh the Scottrade page and see if I've made more money yet. Early this morning I was up $40, then lost $20 in about 10 minutes. Since my plan is to leave this money alone for a long time (years and years), I should really stop obsessing. But $40 in a morning was kinda fun, until I started losing it again.

How was everyone's Valentine's Day? I had the bestest Valentine's Day ever. We actually had our Valentine's on Sunday rather than Monday, since it gave more time to prepare the 5 course meal.

Still looking forward to the weekend trips to Phoenix. Planning on two trips right now, one for the Renaissance Festival, and the next weekend to just relax and enjoy having a dishwasher.

Speaking of having a dishwasher... how easy is it to buy a house? I know someone, with kids, who can't make as much as I do, and he's buying a $186,000 house. Now, his parents are helping, but... wow! That's a lot of house for $11 an hour.


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