Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My Job is SO Cool!!!

Today I helped someone at the FBI get some software installed.

Someone from the FBI actually showed up at my place of work to ask for me, and they were told that there was no Tamara who worked there (damn front desk, I put their computers on our new domain last week!). Eventually I was found, and was able to hand over the software required (by the FBI!!!).

My job is SOO cool!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tales from the County: Things Overheard

Person #1: So, the shotgun is in the closet with the guy and his girlfriend?
Person #2: No, the shotgun is in a different closet.

Monday, November 07, 2005


I had my first WoW PvP experience. I took my 19th level Night Elf Hunter, Gealach, to Warsong Gulch (I started my characters over on Moonrunner). The battlegrounds are split into different level groups. At 19, I was one of the high level characters in the 10 - 19 group. Warsong Gulch is a game of capture the flag. The game is over when the first side captures three flags.

My first experience was highly unorganized. It played fast, and the Horde beat us in under 10 minutes. The Alliance didn't even score. But as a hunter the experience was fun. If I came upon a group already engaged in combat, I could start shooting, and it really felt like I was turning the tide in several skirmishes. So I decided to give it another try.

The second time, the battle raged for well over 30 minutes, and by the end of it I was apparently known to the enemy. There was a 19th level Orc Warrior, who would charge through a whole group of my alliance friends, just to attack me. A 19th level Tauran Hunter would have his lion pet attack me every time he saw me. There was also a 19th level Troll Shaman who really didn't like me after I killed him as he tried to carry the Alliance flag over to the Horde side, and a few others who seemed to like to attack me over any of my teammates. By the end of the battle, I was ranked 2nd. I had dealt 32 killing blows, participated in over 70 kills, and had died 11 times myself. Oh, and the Alliance won, 3 to 1.

I would just like to say, that was FUN! Now I just need to figure out where the flags actually are, so I can do more than just shoot people. Unfortunately for my PvP Battleground days, I managed to level to 20 later that day, so the next time I go will be in the 20 - 29 group, and I think I'll try get to at least 25 before trying that. Or I could just try it with a different character... both my Gnome Warlock and Human Paladin are still 18.

Friday, November 04, 2005

No More Riding Till December

Last lesson (almost two weeks ago now), I got to ride Gretsky again, and canter! We had some issues keeping going, and I have some issues keeping a good seat when the trot got faster. But I did get to canter, and it was lots of fun.

The bad news was, Anna is probably moving stables. She's retiring two of her horses (Ikarus and Smokie), giving one a month's vacation (Wild Thing), and splitting up the other two for the month (Gretsky and Domino).

She should be contacting me in December, when I will be able to start up again, possibly at a new location, which will hopefully not be too much further away.