Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Are Your Parents Home?

A man came to my door to give me a flier for new windows. He asked if I was the owner of the home... as a renter, I told him no.

"Oh, well are your parents home?"

Made me smile.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Saturday Morning Swim

The new place has a community pool. Last week, and again yesterday morning, we've managed to get up early on Saturday, and go for a swim.


At 7am, it's nice and quite, and comfortably cool out. Last week the water was quite warm, yesterday it was a little chilly for the first plunge.


After our swim, there's a nice hot tub to relax in. It feels so good. But I did have to chuckle at the No Diving sign.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

How Do They Function?

Sometimes you have to deal with people professionally that do and say things that make you wonder how they manage to function at all without your assistance. Yesterday at work, virtually everyone I had to interact with was causing me to wonder at this.

I am being asked to coordinate a project that I should not really be involved with at all, simply because the other parties apparently can't communicate with each other. I'll probably have to actually show up on the day, and stand around while the work is done too... not that there is anything that could possibly come up that would require me to do anything. But these people will freak if I'm not there.

I'm also being asked for information on another project, which is fine, because I am actually going to be involved in this one. But I'm being asked for information on a part of it that I'm not going to be handling and know nothing about, by the guy who IS going to be handling it. I had to find out this information from HIS coworker, and give it back to him.

But the one that takes the cake for yesterday, was the guy who called for help, because he couldn't find something he'd been asked to do. He's looking for "PYP" on an alphabetical list...

"It's not here... it goes straight from N to O."

Friday, August 18, 2006

Coyote Zone

Out Back

The desert out behind my house. Note the many limbed saguaro cacuts... It takes many years (i.e. hundreds) for them to get that many branches.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Photo's of the New Place


My very own computer in my brand new (to me) office. This is the most important place (to me) in the house after all. :)


The bedroom. The cat and bed (and teddy bear) came with us, the rest of the bedroom furniture came with the house. That dresser, a full chest of drawers, two bed stands, and a full sized bed that'll be going in the guest room once our roomate gets to move into his house.


A corner of the kitchen. Ok, this is actually most of the kitchen... the stove is just off to the left (with the pan handle sticking into the picture, which is why I tried to leave it out). There's a little more storage behind the camera, and past the stove, and the dining area too.


Yes, that's a plant. Basil to be exact. The reason I had to take a picture is because this is what my mother brought after being specifically told that we hadn't found space for our own stuff yet, things were not unpacked because there was no room for them, and she was not, under any circumstances to bring anything with her... She also brought bowls.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Moving in the Rain

I've moved! Pictures soon. It also happens to be the wettest Tucson has been since the flood of 1983 (apparently, there's more water now than then, but we're better prepared after the millions of dollars in damage done by water in '83).

I'm still renting, but at least it's a real house and not an apartment. The previous occupant of the house is still living here. The house he's buying was supposed to be finished this week, but 2 weeks ago they let him know it wouldn't be finished till the end of August. So we have a roommate for a month. Luckily The Fat Man works with the guy, and I went to college with him, so it's not that weird.

My cat is getting to become an inside kitty, as behind the small subdivision we're in (read: over the back wall which is an easy jump for Orion the Mighty Hunter), there's nothing but desert for a quarter of a mile. In Tucson, that means there's nothing but cacti, rattlesnakes, javelina, and coyotes, waiting to eat kitties.

So... he's a little restless inside... Anyone know if these work?