Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

How Do They Function?

Sometimes you have to deal with people professionally that do and say things that make you wonder how they manage to function at all without your assistance. Yesterday at work, virtually everyone I had to interact with was causing me to wonder at this.

I am being asked to coordinate a project that I should not really be involved with at all, simply because the other parties apparently can't communicate with each other. I'll probably have to actually show up on the day, and stand around while the work is done too... not that there is anything that could possibly come up that would require me to do anything. But these people will freak if I'm not there.

I'm also being asked for information on another project, which is fine, because I am actually going to be involved in this one. But I'm being asked for information on a part of it that I'm not going to be handling and know nothing about, by the guy who IS going to be handling it. I had to find out this information from HIS coworker, and give it back to him.

But the one that takes the cake for yesterday, was the guy who called for help, because he couldn't find something he'd been asked to do. He's looking for "PYP" on an alphabetical list...

"It's not here... it goes straight from N to O."


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