Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Moving in the Rain

I've moved! Pictures soon. It also happens to be the wettest Tucson has been since the flood of 1983 (apparently, there's more water now than then, but we're better prepared after the millions of dollars in damage done by water in '83).

I'm still renting, but at least it's a real house and not an apartment. The previous occupant of the house is still living here. The house he's buying was supposed to be finished this week, but 2 weeks ago they let him know it wouldn't be finished till the end of August. So we have a roommate for a month. Luckily The Fat Man works with the guy, and I went to college with him, so it's not that weird.

My cat is getting to become an inside kitty, as behind the small subdivision we're in (read: over the back wall which is an easy jump for Orion the Mighty Hunter), there's nothing but desert for a quarter of a mile. In Tucson, that means there's nothing but cacti, rattlesnakes, javelina, and coyotes, waiting to eat kitties.

So... he's a little restless inside... Anyone know if these work?


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