Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Just tell me what I need

They make car insurance overly complicated on purpose, don't they? I mean, there's liability per person and per accident, property, uninsured motorist... What of it do I need, and how much of what I need do I need? Don't give me lots of choices, I've never had to make an insurance claim. I have no idea how much stuff costs. Is paying for $100,000 coverage per person and $300,000 per incident a waste? Or is having less leaving yourself open to financial disaster? I don't like choices when I can't make an informed one. Just tell me what I need, and don't try rip me off.

On the plus side, I had really basic coverage with Allstate, and they wanted to charge me $888 for 6 months. I can get vastly more coverage through Progressive for $535/6 months (that's their recommended coverage). But it's WAY more than what I had (almost 10 times the liability coverage), and I don't know if I need it... I mean, can you trust an insurance company? Or do they just throw in coverage for random things that you don't need, just to jack up the price, then slap a "Recommended" label on it to see how many people get confused and select it?

Please tell me I'm not the only person who has no idea what they're doing.


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