Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Friday, September 30, 2005


Yesterday I was laid off, which makes today my first day of unemployment... I did have some stuff to do though. There was a dentist appointment in the morning, then I dropped off my paperwork to get severance (which was better than I thought it would be, so yay, but no insurance starting tomorrow, so boo). Then I came home, changed into PJ's, and expected a nice quite day, perhaps with some moping about being unemployed.

After about 30 minutes of WoW, I got a call from personnel, they'd been told I got laid off yesterday, so wanted to get moving ASAP! I went down to pick up the info for the drug test, got fingerprinted, got some hair cut off (the drug test), and have an appointment to pee in a cup on Monday.

If everything is done on time, I should have orientation next Thursday, and start the Monday after that (October 10). Except there's a rumor that Monday is a holiday, so I would get the day off with pay, and start on the Tuesday... I'm LOVING this County job thing!

Thursday, September 29, 2005


So, on my last day, I get to sit here while the managers from the new project complain (right outside my cube) that there is a "Minor malfunction... there seems to be someone sitting in one of our cubes."

So they stand there and glare, cause I'm not supposed to be here. At least I'll have some company soon, my coworker who is getting to stay a couple more months was moved yesterday, but her phone hasn't been hooked up yet, so she's going to have to use mine.

I have to be here all day, since the HR person is too busy to see me till this afternoon. So I get to have people glare at me and complain about me all day long, while I wait for the pleasure of being walked out. This is FUN!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Don't Worry, Be Happy.

I really need to stop worrying myself sick over stuff I can't do anything about right now. I'm so stressed about this possible new job (they haven't called back yet, but my personal references just got forms to fill out and mail back), I'm all sore and stiff and haven't been sleeping well.

Today I was thinking about it, and I figured out that after I get all my severance and PTO for my current job, I should have enough money to live as I am for an entire year. That's without paying for health insurace, so no horse riding or anything too exciting. But I can pay my half of rent, utilities, and food, pay my car insurance for the next year, and have about $1000 left over for gas and clothes... ok, so it would be tight to go the whole 12 months, but if I haven't found another job by then, I'll be ready to move back in with my parents, or be committed, or whatever.

Point is, I need to chill out for now. I'm going to get laid off tomorrow, and will have an undetermined amount of time before I get a new job. If things work out as planned, that time should only be a week or two, but if things don't work out as planned, it'll be close to a year from now, with no income, that I actually start running out of money. That's insane amounts of security.

Deep breaths. No worries. Everything will be fine.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Lesson 15

There was a schooling show today. I didn't take part, but it did mean there were lots of strange horses and people for Domino to pay attention to rather than me. We were kicked out of our regular small dressage arena, as that was a warmup area or something, and ended up in a large jumping area. We had to share this area with a teenage girl and her jumping instructor (they stayed mostly in the other half of the area), and also the guy who rides his grey horse every Saturday (token male rider as Anna called him once), he came in and rode around in the arena periodically.

I was having major steering issues today. Domino was much more interested in the other horses than what I was trying to have him do. At the beginning of the lesson, when the jumping girl walked through our half of the arena to get to the other side, Domino was quite convinced that he should be following the other horse. It took a lot of effort to keep him from doing so.

Even after that, we were trying to keep to a circle around Anna, but Domino didn't seem to like my idea of circling. When I was able to concentrate only on keeping him on the circle, it wasn't too bad. But when I was trying to concentrate on my position, or sit the trot, suddenly we were doing weird shapes with right angles into the fence...

It got so bad, that at the end of the lesson, Anna jumped on to make sure Domino did it right a few times. It wasn't like I was completely out of control or anything. I was never in danger of Domino running away with me, he would always stop when I wanted... he just didn't always go where I thought I was pointing him.

Good news is, Anna did say that next week I'd probably get to canter. Something to look forward to! :) Although that was before the worst of the steering issues... so she might want to fix that first.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

To Woot! or not to Woot!?

Took my polygraph today. Seemed really short, the lady crossed off a lot of questions before she even hooked me up to the thing. When it was over, she said she didn't see any problems, but someone went over her charts at the end of the day, and my potential employers would be in touch with me. So... probably Woot!, but not certain till I actually hear from them.

The way it worked. First I got to fill out a questionnaire. Lots of questions asking if I'd used drugs, if I'd stolen anything, if I had driving tickets, if I gambled. The gambling one I didn't really get...
Q: Have you ever gambled?
A: Yes
Q: How much money per year do you spend on gambling?
A: $0

When the lady went over the questionnaire, and asked about my gambling "habit" I explained, I had put a quarter in a slot machine when in the airport in Reno, Nevada about 6 or 7 years ago... I got $5 back, and was done. She looked a little disappointed, and asked if I'd ever bought lottery tickets (the questionnaire made it clear the lottery counted as gambling). "Nope." She crossed off all the gambling questions at that point.

She got to cross off all the driving ones too.
Lady: "You say you've never gotten a ticket?"
Me: "I've never even been pulled over."
Lady: *cross off all the traffic violation questions*

I have to say I was a little surprised how much she asked me about drugs... I don't see how it really matters what I say at the polygraph about drugs, that's why they're gonna make me pee in a cup, and cut off a chunk of hair... and I got LONG hair. They should be able to go back YEARS on me if they really want to (unless what they're looking for decays or something?). Point is, I'm not worried about passing that at all!

So now I probably get to wait till next week to actually hear for sure... This is going to be a long weekend.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

WoW Update

My three main characters are all level 25 now. Brigh the priest is in dire need of new pants, her current ones have big holes in the hips, and when paired with her halter top vest... well, if she was wearing heels, and was standing on a street corner, she wouldn't stand out much.

Some WoW related funnies, first one that's been around a while... Roleplaying realms rule. *Tries to disguise herself as a tree and makes crow nosies*

Then there was the kid who got caught posting on the boards at 3:30am by his mother, who wrote:

Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

But, Brion - if you don’t want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON’T post on a forum that she reads.



The actual thread doesn't seem to be around anymore, or I'd link it. She punished him by making him watch a chick flick with her instead of going on the raid. :)

Next a new one... a plague sweeping the worlds.

And lastly, it's Leeeeeeroooy Jenkins! There's even an interview with the guy behind the character.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-V. How hard is that?

Arun Roy says:
In the KPI Instructions file we see Leave [Location] selected for India Transportation...
Arun Roy says:
what do u mean by that?
Arun Roy says:
do we need to leave [Location] or select it?
Tam says:
there is a location, [Location] is the default
Tam says:
it should already be selected
Arun Roy says:
do we need to take the data for [Location] or not...
Tam says:
yes, you need the data for [Location]
Tam says:
it is the default, so you should not have to do anything to it. I just put that in in case anything changed

How hard was that? I mean really? Were my instructions to "leave something selected" unduly convoluted? Because I'm not seeing the room for confusion there... But wait, it gets worse...

Arun Roy says:
Tamara how do we paste the data in the KPI?
Tam says:
Ctrl-A to select everything, Ctrl-C to copy, and Ctrl-V to paste it onto the correct tab...
Arun Roy says:
Its not working for us Tamara:(

*blink* Wow. Nothing I can add to that.

Monday, September 19, 2005


The job I want, and have a tentative offer for, requires I pass a polygraph test. I see this test as one last thing that can stand between me and the job, but whenever I tell anyone I am nervous about it, they ask if I'm planning to lie.

Allow me to explain... Polygraph tests can't actually tell if you are lying or not.

Is there any evidence that the polygraph is really able to detect lies? The machine measures changes in blood pressure, breath rate, and respiration rate. When a person lies it is assumed that these physiological changes occur in such a way that a trained expert can detect whether the person is lying. Is there a scientific formula or law which establishes a regular correlation between such physiological changes and lying? No. Is there any scientific evidence that polygraph experts can detect lies using their machine at a significantly better rate than non-experts using other methods? No. There are no machines and no experts that can detect with a high degree of accuracy when people, selected randomly, are lying and when they are telling the truth.

So whether or not I intend to lie on the test really has very little to do with anything. And NO I don't intend to lie! I have nothing to lie about!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Pictures of Domino!


It's Domino! With glowing eyes... and trying to untie himself with his teeth... And he's the sweet horse.

az at sunrise

Next week we're pushing the lesson back an hour, as the sun is only just rising at 6:30 in the morning now, and it was even a little chilly this morning. It is beautiful though.


Obviously, I got to ride Domino again this morning. Our first time around the ring this week, we were going to walk over these poles, and then Anna was going to pull them off to the side... Domino almost tripped on them though, so we got to walk over them another 8 or 9 times.


Domino's big trot may not look so impressive here, but Anna jokingly asked if the camera had motion capture, to catch the air time. She told me I was looking a lot better this week (I'm glad there's no pictures of the first time I rode Domino).

Pia action shot

Pia had found a golf ball somewhere... She was playing with it, and begging everyone to throw it for her all day.

More pictures of today can be found here.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Life is good

Unless my background check shows something interesting in my past (and I'll want to know where the hell I was when that was happening), I've got the job I wanted.


Just gotta get the paperwork done, and let them get the background check done, and by the time they make their formal offer, I should be laid off already. It's all so perfect, it's making me worried.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What lesson is this one?

Maheshwar says:
Hi Tamara how do we get Routed to Correct Group data in CC_Ind Tab?
Maheshwar says:
do we calculate it manualy from routing accuracy file?
Tam says:
the macro pulls it... the Macro for CC Quality
Maheshwar says:
but it didn't come for this time...
Maheshwar says:
so when we sent the KPIPreview, we received a mail from [someone] about it...
Maheshwar says:
nd i'm looking into routing accuracy file at the moment...
Maheshwar says:
nd i see the dates like 7/1/2005, 8/1/2005, 9/1/2005 etc...
Tam says:
why didn't you ask me if it didn't work?

So, they had a problem, and didn't ask me how to fix it, they
didn't tell me there was an issue, they waited until someone complained
about it, and then wanted to know what to do... because if no one
complained, there's not a problem, right?

Tam says:
ok, we can calculate it manually
Tam says:
alright, you said you have the file?
Maheshwar says:
Tam says:
first thing we want to do, is drag CreatedByWorkgroupInClarify to the column, just to the right of Data works
Maheshwar says:
nd that is cc-consumer phone support-cvg-in i guess
Tam says:
so now in the Pivot table column area, we should have KCRP By Clarify Workgroup, then Data, then CreatedByWorkgroupInClarify
Tam says:
there are two workgroups for each of the consumer locations
Maheshwar says:
yes i think I got it...
Tam says:
CC India uses [Lable 1] and [Lable 2]
Tam says:
there may not be data for both all the time
Maheshwar says:
Maheshwar says:
total number surveys I find is 390 if i'm not incorrect for the month of sep
Tam says:
I never did receive the KPI you sent out today... could you forward me that?
Maheshwar says:
for cc_ind
Maheshwar says:
oh it seams Arun didn't add u in the distro list..

He didn't do a lot with the distro list...

Maheshwar says:
sure i'll do that immediately
Tam says:
for CC India September? I'm seeing 342/396
Maheshwar says:
u've got the file from [abreviated location]?

And that's where I start to lose my temper... See, I'm teaching them how to do this job, and if they don't match my numbers the first time, they suggest I check my numbers. I am of the opinion that it should be assumed the person doing the training is correct, at least until shown otherwise.

Tam says:
I have the correct file
Maheshwar says:
i mean to say [abbreviated filename]
Tam says:
I have [full filename].xls from [full location] and for future reference, I won't be telling you exact numbers unless I'm looking at the correct file
Tam says:
so yes, I have the correct file
Maheshwar says:
yes that's where we've got the file from...
Tam says:
ok, now lets figure out what you are doing wrong
Maheshwar says:

Whew, got that out of my system... for now...

Tam says:
you have both [Lable 1] and [Lable 2] selected?
Maheshwar says:
can I select both at a time...
Tam says:
if you drag CreatedByWorkgroupInClarify to the column section of the Pivot Table as I told you to do, you can select 2 at a time
Tam says:
or as many as you want
Maheshwar says:
ok let me try...
Tam says:
if you want, I can setup netmeeting so you can see what I mean
Maheshwar says:
Tamara i've saved the file localy could that be a reason that i've not been able to select both at a time...
Tam says:
no, that's not the problem
Maheshwar says:
I've tried harder but still could not select both at a time...

He tried harder? Well... I just don't know what to say to that.

Maheshwar says:
ok lets setup the net meeting then
Tam says:
do you need my IP?
Tam says:
[IP Address]
Tam says:
ok, I just shared out the routing accuracy file
Tam says:
you see it?
Maheshwar says:
yes i do...

I stepped him through what I had done, the problem was the very first instruction I gave him, to drag something. After seeing it, he understood. It took me about 5 minutes to pull all the data with him watching, even with me stopping to explain.

Tam says:
did that make sense?
Maheshwar says:
Tam says:
ok, in the future, if you are having an issue getting some of the data, try to let me know as soon as possible, that way I can either show you how, or get it for you, or let the right people know there is a problem
Maheshwar says:
ok np...

Does that sound like no problem to everyone?

Is it two weeks yet?

Lesson 538: Learn when to back the hell down from a lie.

Arun Roy says:
Tamara we are getting some Error Msg. after we send the KPI file
Arun Roy says:
Delivery Failure Report (notice)
[list of about 15 names removed to protect the innocent]
Arun Roy says:
this the list....
Arun Roy says:
are they still with us... i mean active members
Tam says:
I know that [Person 1], [Person 2], [Person 3], [Person 4], and [Person 5] are gone
Tam says:
the others were probably gone at the same time
Arun Roy says:
i see....
Arun Roy says:
so shall i remove the above listed members from our KPI mailing list
Arun Roy says:
Tam says:
aren't we using the mailing list [My Boss] updated?
Tam says:
sent on the 31st of August
Arun Roy says:
yes.. i m ....
Tam says:
you are using the updated mailing list [My Boss] sent?
Arun Roy says:
Tam says:
that's odd, because [My Boss] removed [Person 1] and [Person 2] from the list... let me check more of those names
Arun Roy says:
Arun Roy says:
i m sending you the mailing list.. as of now got corrected with one of OM's (with OM's india updates)
Tam says:
instead of doing that, why don't you copy the list [My Boss] sent, and add the people who requested it
Arun Roy says:
yes i added the same... as of now...
Tam says:
ok, cause the list [My Boss] sent, the one you said you used, doesn't have a lot of those people on it
Arun Roy says: [My Boss]'s list "[My Name]" in not there...
Tam says:
ok, then you can add me... but you didn't add [Person 1] and [Person 2], did you?
Arun Roy says:
yes.. i do..
Tam says:
you do what?
Arun Roy says:
i mailed.. [Person 1] and [Person 2]
Tam says:
Tam says:
I want you to copy the list [My Boss] sent on the 31st, add in me and person who emailed Maheshwar to be added
Arun Roy says:
Tam says:
there may still be people on that list who are no longer here, like [Person 6], but it should be less than my old list
Arun Roy says:
ok... 'll update the list accordingly....
Tam says:
thank you
Tam says:
do you have [My Boss]'s email? want me to send it out since I have it right here?
Arun Roy says:
yes i 've it ........... & i got the updated list from Mahesh
Arun Roy says:
which is use last time
Arun Roy says:
Tam says:
ok, make sure Mahesh has what you do... the one [My Boss] sent + me and anyone who requested to be added since
Arun Roy says:
yes... he told me...
Tam says:
ok, because that's NOT what you used this time. so if you got that list from him, he's got it wrong...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I am losing my patience...

I would post the IM log, but there's too much referencing specific files and names relating to my company and the business. So I'll summarize instead.

Maheshwar asked me if a number was correct. When he asked, he was looking at the file the number is supposed to come from, and that number is not what was put into the report last week. So I explain that since it says something different in the file, it's probably not right in our report.

I then point out that all the numbers which are supposed to come from this file are wrong, and they need to redo last week. That's when he explains that the reason they entered the wrong numbers was that the file they needed hadn't been copied over to where they could access it until today. Now... I copied that file over before I left on Thursday, August 25th.

Tam says:
uh... I copied the file into the Working Copy folder before I left
Tam says:
so it should have been available

And he still argued that they didn't see it before today... Isn't that calling me a liar?

Tam says:
ok, but it’s there, and I didn’t copy it over today... I do remember copying it there on the thursday before I left.

Has it been a couple weeks yet?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


The interview is over. I thought I did ok, and at least two of the panel of four or five (I SOO can't remember now), apparently liked me. I also had an advantage over all but one person going into the interview because I did so well on the practical...

In short, it's looking good, but until I hear from them (which could take a couple of weeks), I won't know.

Is it a couple of weeks yet?

How 'bout now?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Attack of the Killer Fleas

So, my cat has fleas... I already got some horrible chemical to put on the back of his head, and it seems to be working, cause now, instead of HIM having fleas, they're abondoning cat, and my house has fleas...

Any advice on how to get rid of them?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Am I not being clear?

Tam says:
You have SQL query analyzer installed now, correct? and the PPTP connection set up? We need to test if you can run the call dumping reports...
Maheshwar says:
yes we've SQL query analyzer installed now and the PPTP connection set up so perhaps we might be able to run the call dumping reports...
Tam says:
go ahead and check that you can run the querys on Phonedata as soon as possible... if you can, those reports are now yours and Arun’s
Tam says:
they only need to be done once a week, I usually do them on wednesday or thursday
Maheshwar says:
Maheshwar says:
Tam says:
let me know if you have any issues though, so I can get them done if you can’t run teh queries yet
Maheshwar says:

About 4 hours later...

Tam says:
were you able to run the Call Dumping Query on Phonedata?
Maheshwar says:
honestly speaking we haven't tested it yet becoz we are focusing more on KPI at present, we'll get back to it today only as soon as we clear all our doubts on KPI...
Tam says:
ok, I’ll do them for this week then, but we need to test that today, and let sean and rohit know if there are any issues
Maheshwar says:
Tam says:
in fact, could you go ahead and check right now... just to see if you can log on and the query will run
Tam says:
you have the template I sent last week, right?
Maheshwar says:
yes...the one u r talking about is short calls.xls and call dumping.xls I guess...
Tam says:
yes, the queries are in the Call Dumping.xls file
Maheshwar says:
ok... we'll check it right now...
Tam says:
thank you... you’ll need to connect to pptp, and then to phonedata using query analyzer

10 minutes later...

Tam says:
are you having problems getting there?
Maheshwar says:
no no we got it...
Tam says:
ok, and you’re able to connect to phonedata and run the query?
Maheshwar says:
oh yes...
Maheshwar says:
we have just checked one of them...
Tam says:
ok, I’ll do it for this week then, but starting next week you guys will be responsible for this report...
Maheshwar says:

First of all, was it not perfectly clear I was asking them to test something in a timely manner in the first part of the conversation? Second... isn't it customary to SAY IF IT WORKS when someone asks you to test something? And lastly, it's "you" not "u" and "are" not "r"... they are three letter words! It really won't slow you down that much to type out the extra two letters.

Addendum: If it wasn't clear that I'm not being understood from the conversation above, allow me to point out that after this conversation, Maheshwar and Arun started doing the reports I'd asked them to do in the morning... now, if you read the conversation, I say twice that I need them to test that they can run a query, but that I will do the work for this week. After I told them I would do the work, that's when they start doing the whole thing.