To Woot! or not to Woot!?
Took my polygraph today. Seemed really short, the lady crossed off a lot of questions before she even hooked me up to the thing. When it was over, she said she didn't see any problems, but someone went over her charts at the end of the day, and my potential employers would be in touch with me. So... probably Woot!, but not certain till I actually hear from them.
The way it worked. First I got to fill out a questionnaire. Lots of questions asking if I'd used drugs, if I'd stolen anything, if I had driving tickets, if I gambled. The gambling one I didn't really get...
Q: Have you ever gambled?
A: Yes
Q: How much money per year do you spend on gambling?
A: $0
When the lady went over the questionnaire, and asked about my gambling "habit" I explained, I had put a quarter in a slot machine when in the airport in Reno, Nevada about 6 or 7 years ago... I got $5 back, and was done. She looked a little disappointed, and asked if I'd ever bought lottery tickets (the questionnaire made it clear the lottery counted as gambling). "Nope." She crossed off all the gambling questions at that point.
She got to cross off all the driving ones too.
Lady: "You say you've never gotten a ticket?"
Me: "I've never even been pulled over."
Lady: *cross off all the traffic violation questions*
I have to say I was a little surprised how much she asked me about drugs... I don't see how it really matters what I say at the polygraph about drugs, that's why they're gonna make me pee in a cup, and cut off a chunk of hair... and I got LONG hair. They should be able to go back YEARS on me if they really want to (unless what they're looking for decays or something?). Point is, I'm not worried about passing that at all!
So now I probably get to wait till next week to actually hear for sure... This is going to be a long weekend.
The way it worked. First I got to fill out a questionnaire. Lots of questions asking if I'd used drugs, if I'd stolen anything, if I had driving tickets, if I gambled. The gambling one I didn't really get...
Q: Have you ever gambled?
A: Yes
Q: How much money per year do you spend on gambling?
A: $0
When the lady went over the questionnaire, and asked about my gambling "habit" I explained, I had put a quarter in a slot machine when in the airport in Reno, Nevada about 6 or 7 years ago... I got $5 back, and was done. She looked a little disappointed, and asked if I'd ever bought lottery tickets (the questionnaire made it clear the lottery counted as gambling). "Nope." She crossed off all the gambling questions at that point.
She got to cross off all the driving ones too.
Lady: "You say you've never gotten a ticket?"
Me: "I've never even been pulled over."
Lady: *cross off all the traffic violation questions*
I have to say I was a little surprised how much she asked me about drugs... I don't see how it really matters what I say at the polygraph about drugs, that's why they're gonna make me pee in a cup, and cut off a chunk of hair... and I got LONG hair. They should be able to go back YEARS on me if they really want to (unless what they're looking for decays or something?). Point is, I'm not worried about passing that at all!
So now I probably get to wait till next week to actually hear for sure... This is going to be a long weekend.
At September 27, 2005 1:39 PM,
Lord Runolfr said…
So, have you heard anything yet? It's probably time to start spamming them or calling to heckle the operator in search of an answer.
And I see that you turned on Word Verification, too.
At September 27, 2005 1:52 PM,
Tam said…
Nothing yet... apparently a class of deputies went in to get polygraphed the same day, so they're running behind on passing the info on.
My last day at my current job is Thursday. Perfect timing since my health insurance will probably expire at the end of the month I get laid off in... so I'll be insurance-less for the entire month of October. Waiting until Monday would have been way too nice for this company.
At September 28, 2005 5:32 AM,
Lord Runolfr said…
Be sure to send your replacements in India some nice vacuum-packed, bacon-wrapped beef filets. Make sure to give the return address of whoever came up with the outsourcing idea.
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