Tam says:
go ahead and download [file name] from [website]
Maheshwar says:
ok we'll check that...
Tam says:
it has the data for phone and email in there
Tam says:
and with phones, we also report "First Contact Resolution"
Maheshwar says:
ok do u wan't to save it localy...
Tam says:
ya, save it to your hard drive
Tam says:
Arun is there working with you?
Maheshwar says:
Maheshwar says:
yes he is with me only...
Tam says:
Maheshwar says:
ok we've downloaded [file name] from [website]...
Tam says:
ok, that’s the raw data for both email and phones
Maheshwar says:
Tam says:
first thing we want to do is get the basic OVS and ODS scores
10 minutes later...
Tam says:
let me know if you have any questions about that...
Maheshwar says:
well we r just checking it nd let u know if we have any problems with that...
Tam says:
20 minutes later...
Tam says:
How’s it going? this shouldn’t take too long, and we have more to cover today...
An hour later...
Maheshwar says:
we r filling in some of the components in the file those were left over, so as soon as that gets over we'll get back with u...
Tam says:
ok... what file? the KPI? were you able to get the quality for MSN?
Maheshwar says:
Yes KPI, We've downloaded the quality file u've mentioned we'll complete the KPI very soon and then look into that quality file...
Maheshwar says:
we would need an hour to complete KPI and then we' ll start working on quality...
Tam says:
ok, the KPI is done for this week, let me know any things you need to go over specifically before next week, but I want to try cover as much as possible before then..
Maheshwar says:
The KPI is the report that I prepare weekly (the final copy for this week got sent out well before this conversation even started). The work I originally wanted them to do, should take 5 - 10 min. Still don't have what I asked of them... so I might add more to this later...