Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I hate this place...

I mean... if you're going to shut down the break room so you could clean the floors... wouldn't you pick noon too? After all, it's not like anyone trying to train Indians on a Sunday would tell them to take an hour, and then head to the lunch room herself... not like this person could possibly be upset at not even being able to get to the chicken she stashed in the refrigerator that morning, never mind actually getting to a microwave to heat it up... No one would possibly want to eat lunch at noon would they?

And it would have been WAY too much to ask for some kind of sign out, explaining that someone putting their chicken in the refrigerator at 8am would not have access to those refrigerators at 12pm. WAY too much to ask.

When do I get laid off?

And then I try to go to the bathroom, and suprise a guy coming out of the women's bathroom... And he should have been worried, since he'd just finished peeing on the toilet seats. Yeah... today's gonna be a short day.


  • At August 15, 2005 7:47 AM, Blogger Lord Runolfr said…

    You know, there are people in the world who wonder what causes violence in the workplace. Unjustifiable though it is, incidents like this just make you want to hurt somebody, preferably someone in authority.

    I sincerely hope you actually get an offer on one of your other prospects before layoff-day rolls around. It would be nice if you could abandon that sinking ship before you finish training your replacements. I would be looking for any little bit of vengeance I could find, were I in your place.


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