Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Tested for a belt in Karate on the 18th. It went well, and in about 12 - 18 months I might be ready to test for black. That would mean going up to Phoenix, and impressing this guy.

On the 26th I took the test for the job I'm hoping to get. I did well, so should be hearing from them next week for an interview. I've never had a panel interview before... hell, I've never had to have an interview scheduled... I'm hoping I don't get so nervous I lose the ability to talk...

The Indian's are starting to catch onto how to fill in my main report. Unfortunately, they still don't seem to understand that there are deadlines... Last Tuesday, with an hour to go before the report had to be sent, I contacted them to ask how things were going, and get them to send the report back with the information they had filled in that morning. They were off to lunch. I had to do the entire morning's work in 1 hour to send the file on time, and I don't think they realized that I was actually expecting them to do the work. They returned 10 minutes after the report was sent to say, "it's going fine." Um... beg to differ.

Now granted, assigning the work to them means I'm sitting around doing nothing for parts of my day, but I don't expect to be here much past this time next month, so if they can't do something, they better find out now and ask me.

In WoW, my Hunter is 16, my Druid is 17 (and working on getting the sea lion form), and my Priest is still only 5. I kind of want to level her up as I do enjoy being a pure healer, but I'm having too much fun with the other characters right now.

And can I just add, I hurt from yesterday. Domino's trot should be used as torture.


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