It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you!
Last night, on the way home from an enjoyable evening watching Lost and Alias with friends, The Fat Man opened the passenger side car window to try cool off. There was a clicking. Almost like there was something on the wheel that made a sound whenever the wheel went round and it hit the road. But it was dark when we got home, and we couldn't see anything.
This morning, I still couldn't see anything, but the noise was still there as I drove to work. When I arrived, I went straight to my desk so I could clock in. I noticed the mousepad and a notebook had been moved. I moved the mouse to wake my computer up... and nothing happened. Another failed attempt, a check that the power was in fact on, and I checked behind the tower. Yup, someone had unplugged the monitor.
When I got back home, The Fat Man and I examined my car in the light of day, and found that there was something on the tire... A bolt had been very neatly screwed into the tire, right in the middle of the tread. So neatly screwed in, that the tire hasn't started losing air pressure yet.
Perhaps it's me being paranoid. Everyone from my old project is now gone from work, leaving me with people staring as they walk past like I'm some sort of exhibit at a zoo. The very last hourly Microsoft person left in Tucson! Only one other like her in the US! Come see this exotic creature now, before it too vanishes into the mists of time!
I don't know when the screw went into my tire. I can't hear it with the windows up, and it's not effecting the handling of the car at all yet. These incidents are probably not connected in any way. The computer could have been a joke, and the tire could be dumb bad luck. I just got the feeling today that there's someone out there trying to fuck with me, it's not a nice feeling.
This morning, I still couldn't see anything, but the noise was still there as I drove to work. When I arrived, I went straight to my desk so I could clock in. I noticed the mousepad and a notebook had been moved. I moved the mouse to wake my computer up... and nothing happened. Another failed attempt, a check that the power was in fact on, and I checked behind the tower. Yup, someone had unplugged the monitor.
When I got back home, The Fat Man and I examined my car in the light of day, and found that there was something on the tire... A bolt had been very neatly screwed into the tire, right in the middle of the tread. So neatly screwed in, that the tire hasn't started losing air pressure yet.
Perhaps it's me being paranoid. Everyone from my old project is now gone from work, leaving me with people staring as they walk past like I'm some sort of exhibit at a zoo. The very last hourly Microsoft person left in Tucson! Only one other like her in the US! Come see this exotic creature now, before it too vanishes into the mists of time!
I don't know when the screw went into my tire. I can't hear it with the windows up, and it's not effecting the handling of the car at all yet. These incidents are probably not connected in any way. The computer could have been a joke, and the tire could be dumb bad luck. I just got the feeling today that there's someone out there trying to fuck with me, it's not a nice feeling.
At May 08, 2005 9:35 AM,
Maurice Mitchell said…
Do you work for Microsoft?
At May 09, 2005 9:11 AM,
Tam said…
I work for a company Microsoft subcontracts to do some work. In my company, all the Microsoft projects are now in Canada or India, none remain in the US. I report on these projects for my company, so I no longer report to Microsoft, which is why I'm still around.
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