Seen and Not Heard

Children should be seen and not heard. Silence is a woman's best garment. Aren't proverbs great? But I'm done with being quiet.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Second Riding Lesson

Second lesson was this morning. My mom got me new pants this week, so no more jeans, yay! :)

Pia had to say hello to us again first. She even stood up on her back legs to lick my face when I bent down to say hi.

I got to ride Kaibab again. His trot didn't seem quite as bad this week, so the practice thing really does seem to help.

I even considered, at Anna's suggestion, letting go of the strap in front of the saddle. That led to my feet not staying where they were supposed to in the stirrup though.

Before we were done, Anna detached the longe-line, and I got to walk around all by myself.

Then we were done for the day. Good looking pants, huh?

So Anna was pleased that I remembered to be on the right diagonal when posting/rising trot, and I was pleased to get a pat on the back for remembering correctly.

I think I did much better today than last week, and if I keep improving this quickly, I'll be doing all sorts of fun things in no time! :)


  • At June 08, 2005 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Am so glad you are having a good time. Everyone needs an outlet and you chose a great one. Congrats Tam, I'm happy for you.


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